Zobrazovanie vstup z klávesnice

Príklad v tomto oddiele sa zobrazuje ako žiadosť môžete dostávať znaky z klávesnice, zobrazíte ich do klientskej oblasti okna a pozície podľa znaku vsuvky aktualizovať každý znak zadaný. To tiež dokazuje, ako sa pohybovať podľa znaku vsuvky v reakcii na šípku doľava, šípku doprava, doma a na konci úderov, a ukazuje, ako na zvýraznenie vybratý text v reakcii na shift + šípka doprava klávesovú kombináciu.

Počas spracovania správ WM_CREATE okno postup uvedený v príklade vyhradí 64 kB pufra pre ukladanie vstup z klávesnice. Je tiež načte metriky aktuálne načítané písma ukladanie výška a priemerná šírka znakov, v písme. Výška a šírka sa používajú pri spracovaní správ WM_SIZE vypočítať dĺžku riadka a maximálny počet riadkov na základe veľkosti plochy klienta.

Okno postup vytvára a zobrazuje podľa znaku vsuvky pri spracovaní WM_SETFOCUS správy. Skryje a odstráni podľa znaku vsuvky pri spracovaní správy WM_KILLFOCUS.

Pri spracovaní správ WM_CHAR postupu okno zobrazuje znaky, ukladá vo vstupnej medzipamäti a aktualizuje vsuvka pozície. Okno postup konvertuje znaky tabulátora na štyri znaky po sebe idúcich medzier. Kláves BACKSPACE, oddelenými a uniknúť znaky vytvárajú pípnutie, ale nie sú inak spracované.

Okno postup vykonáva doľava, doprava, účel a domáce vsuvka pohyby pri spracovaní WM_KEYDOWN správy. Počas spracovania akčného klávesu ŠÍPKA okno postup kontroly stavu klávesu shift, a ak je stlačený, vyberie znak doprava podľa znaku vsuvky ako presťahovala podľa znaku vsuvky.

Všimnite si, že tento kód je napísaný tak, že možno zostaviť ako Unicode alebo ANSI. Ak zdrojový kód definuje UNICODE, struny sú riešené ako znaky Unicode; v opačnom prípade sú riešené ako znakov ANSI.

#define BUFSIZE 65535 
#define SHIFTED 0x8000 
LONG APIENTRY MainWndProc(HWND hwndMain, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
    HDC hdc;                   // handle to device context 
    TEXTMETRIC tm;             // structure for text metrics 
    static DWORD dwCharX;      // average width of characters 
    static DWORD dwCharY;      // height of characters 
    static DWORD dwClientX;    // width of client area 
    static DWORD dwClientY;    // height of client area 
    static DWORD dwLineLen;    // line length 
    static DWORD dwLines;      // text lines in client area 
    static int nCaretPosX = 0; // horizontal position of caret 
    static int nCaretPosY = 0; // vertical position of caret 
    static int nCharWidth = 0; // width of a character 
    static int cch = 0;        // characters in buffer 
    static int nCurChar = 0;   // index of current character 
    static PTCHAR pchInputBuf; // address of input buffer 
    int i, j;                  // loop counters 
    int cCR = 0;               // count of carriage returns 
    int nCRIndex = 0;          // index of last carriage return 
    int nVirtKey;              // virtual-key code 
    TCHAR szBuf[128];          // temporary buffer 
    TCHAR ch;                  // current character 
    PAINTSTRUCT ps;            // required by BeginPaint 
    RECT rc;                   // output rectangle for DrawText 
    SIZE sz;                   // string dimensions 
    COLORREF crPrevText;       // previous text color 
    COLORREF crPrevBk;         // previous background color 
    switch (uMsg) 
        case WM_CREATE: 
            // Get the metrics of the current font. 
            hdc = GetDC(hwndMain); 
            GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm); 
            ReleaseDC(hwndMain, hdc); 
            // Save the average character width and height. 
            dwCharX = tm.tmAveCharWidth; 
            dwCharY = tm.tmHeight; 
            // Allocate a buffer to store keyboard input. 
            pchInputBuf = (LPTSTR) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, 
                BUFSIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)); 
            return 0; 
        case WM_SIZE: 
            // Save the new width and height of the client area. 
            dwClientX = LOWORD(lParam); 
            dwClientY = HIWORD(lParam); 
            // Calculate the maximum width of a line and the 
            // maximum number of lines in the client area. 
            dwLineLen = dwClientX - dwCharX; 
            dwLines = dwClientY / dwCharY; 
        case WM_SETFOCUS: 
            // Create, position, and display the caret when the 
            // window receives the keyboard focus. 
            CreateCaret(hwndMain, (HBITMAP) 1, 0, dwCharY); 
            SetCaretPos(nCaretPosX, nCaretPosY * dwCharY); 
        case WM_KILLFOCUS: 
            // Hide and destroy the caret when the window loses the 
            // keyboard focus. 
        case WM_CHAR: 
            switch (wParam) 
                case 0x08:  // backspace 
                case 0x0A:  // linefeed 
                case 0x1B:  // escape 
                    return 0; 
                case 0x09:  // tab 
                    // Convert tabs to four consecutive spaces. 
                    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) 
                        SendMessage(hwndMain, WM_CHAR, 0x20, 0); 
                    return 0; 
                case 0x0D:  // carriage return 
                    // Record the carriage return and position the 
                    // caret at the beginning of the new line. 
                    pchInputBuf[cch++] = 0x0D; 
                    nCaretPosX = 0; 
                    nCaretPosY += 1; 
                default:    // displayable character 
                    ch = (TCHAR) wParam; 
                    // Retrieve the character's width and output 
                    // the character. 
                    hdc = GetDC(hwndMain); 
                    GetCharWidth32(hdc, (UINT) wParam, (UINT) wParam, 
                    TextOut(hdc, nCaretPosX, nCaretPosY * dwCharY, 
                        &ch, 1); 
                    ReleaseDC(hwndMain, hdc); 
                    // Store the character in the buffer. 
                    pchInputBuf[cch++] = ch; 
                    // Calculate the new horizontal position of the 
                    // caret. If the position exceeds the maximum, 
                    // insert a carriage return and move the caret 
                    // to the beginning of the next line. 
                    nCaretPosX += nCharWidth; 
                    if ((DWORD) nCaretPosX > dwLineLen) 
                        nCaretPosX = 0; 
                        pchInputBuf[cch++] = 0x0D; 
                    nCurChar = cch; 
            SetCaretPos(nCaretPosX, nCaretPosY * dwCharY); 
        case WM_KEYDOWN: 
            switch (wParam) 
                case VK_LEFT:   // LEFT ARROW 
                    // The caret can move only to the beginning of 
                    // the current line. 
                    if (nCaretPosX > 0) 
                        // Retrieve the character to the left of 
                        // the caret, calculate the character's 
                        // width, then subtract the width from the 
                        // current horizontal position of the caret 
                        // to obtain the new position. 
                        ch = pchInputBuf[--nCurChar]; 
                        hdc = GetDC(hwndMain); 
                        GetCharWidth32(hdc, ch, ch, &nCharWidth); 
                        ReleaseDC(hwndMain, hdc); 
                        nCaretPosX = max(nCaretPosX - nCharWidth, 
                case VK_RIGHT:  // RIGHT ARROW 
                    // Caret moves to the right or, when a carriage 
                    // return is encountered, to the beginning of 
                    // the next line. 
                    if (nCurChar < cch) 
                        // Retrieve the character to the right of 
                        // the caret. If it's a carriage return, 
                        // position the caret at the beginning of 
                        // the next line. 
                        ch = pchInputBuf[nCurChar]; 
                        if (ch == 0x0D) 
                            nCaretPosX = 0; 
                        // If the character isn't a carriage 
                        // return, check to see whether the SHIFT 
                        // key is down. If it is, invert the text 
                        // colors and output the character. 
                            hdc = GetDC(hwndMain); 
                            nVirtKey = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT); 
                            if (nVirtKey & SHIFTED) 
                                crPrevText = SetTextColor(hdc, 
                                    RGB(255, 255, 255)); 
                                crPrevBk = SetBkColor(hdc, 
                                TextOut(hdc, nCaretPosX, 
                                    nCaretPosY * dwCharY, 
                                    &ch, 1); 
                                SetTextColor(hdc, crPrevText); 
                                SetBkColor(hdc, crPrevBk); 
                            // Get the width of the character and 
                            // calculate the new horizontal 
                            // position of the caret. 
                            GetCharWidth32(hdc, ch, ch, &nCharWidth); 
                            ReleaseDC(hwndMain, hdc); 
                            nCaretPosX = nCaretPosX + nCharWidth; 
                case VK_UP:     // UP ARROW 
                case VK_DOWN:   // DOWN ARROW 
                    return 0; 
                case VK_HOME:   // HOME 
                    // Set the caret's position to the upper left 
                    // corner of the client area. 
                    nCaretPosX = nCaretPosY = 0; 
                    nCurChar = 0; 
                case VK_END:    // END  
                    // Move the caret to the end of the text. 
                    for (i=0; i < cch; i++) 
                        // Count the carriage returns and save the 
                        // index of the last one. 
                        if (pchInputBuf[i] == 0x0D) 
                            nCRIndex = i + 1; 
                    nCaretPosY = cCR; 
                    // Copy all text between the last carriage 
                    // return and the end of the keyboard input 
                    // buffer to a temporary buffer. 
                    for (i = nCRIndex, j = 0; i < cch; i++, j++) 
                        szBuf[j] = pchInputBuf[i]; 
                    szBuf[j] = TEXT('\0'); 
                    // Retrieve the text extent and use it 
                    // to set the horizontal position of the 
                    // caret. 
                    hdc = GetDC(hwndMain); 
                    GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, szBuf, lstrlen(szBuf), 
                    nCaretPosX = sz.cx; 
                    ReleaseDC(hwndMain, hdc); 
                    nCurChar = cch; 
            SetCaretPos(nCaretPosX, nCaretPosY * dwCharY); 
        case WM_PAINT: 
            if (cch == 0)       // nothing in input buffer 
            hdc = BeginPaint(hwndMain, &ps); 
            // Set the clipping rectangle, and then draw the text 
            // into it. 
            SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, dwLineLen, dwClientY); 
            DrawText(hdc, pchInputBuf, -1, &rc, DT_LEFT); 
            EndPaint(hwndMain, &ps); 
        // Process other messages. 
        case WM_DESTROY: 
            // Free the input buffer. 
            GlobalFree((HGLOBAL) pchInputBuf); 
            UnregisterHotKey(hwndMain, 0xAAAA); 
            return DefWindowProc(hwndMain, uMsg, wParam, lParam); 
    return NULL; 
